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Why is the 'establishment' so worried about Ukraine?

There is something off about the war in Ukraine – or more specifically, about the uniform media, corporate, and governmental response to it. The overwhelming feel across social and legacy media has been that Ukraine is a pure victim of Vladimir Putin’s wild and irrational aggression. Putin has been described as a madman and a Nazi, certainly not a rational actor with reasons for risking World War III and his own demise. Ukraine’s government, on the other hand, can be nothing but heroic, selfless defenders of a beleaguered Ukrainian people. Ukrainian flags have popped up everywhere, American companies have left the Russian market (apparently of their own volition), Russians unconnected with Putin’s government have been subject to abuse, and Ukraine’s former actor/comedian president has been stylized as a modern Winston Churchill.

The pro Ukrainian response and the push for a potentially apocalyptic war with Russia has been every bit as aggressive and uncritical as the mindless BLM media campaign following George Floyd’s death in early 2020. But Ukraine doesn’t hit any touchy racial sore spots close to home. It is a remote conflict in a former Soviet republic, between two nations that account for negligible quantities of American trade, tourism, or mental bandwidth. So why is the defense of Ukraine such an urgent matter as to deserve the massive unquestioning support of every western institution of power? Why does Western media resemble a cheating husband whose wife has run off with his unlocked phone? Could it be because the top of the Western power structure has something to hide in Ukraine?

It helps to remember start with America’s history in the region since the end of the Cold War. The United States has been working diligently to turn all former Soviet republics in Eastern Europe into Western client states, which it has been largely successful at with the most notable exceptions of Belarus and Ukraine. The Baltic states (with Russian borders) and Poland have even joined the explicitly anti-Russian alliance, NATO.

Unlike Belarus, Ukraine has been contested territory but has largely fallen into globalist Western orbit since the 2014 Maidan Revolution in which a Russia-friendly government was replaced by a pro-Western regime. This event kicked off an 8-year civil war in the country’s east and the marked the beginning of open Western support for Ukraine’s military in terms of training and equipment. There is plenty of speculation about what role US intelligence played in these events, but I personally find it hard to believe the CIA didn’t have a major hand in things – especially considering the immediate deluge of NATO arms and troops deployments that followed, not to mention the leaked recordings of deep state archetype Victoria Nuland apparently selecting leaders for the new government.

Regardless of US involvement in the Maidan coup, Ukraine has popped up in American political scandals since 2016 with an odd regularity for a poor Eastern European country with few US business connections. To illustrate, consider the following examples:

· Ukrainian ambassador to the US publicly declared he did not support the candidacy of Donald Trump (a strange take for a diplomat, pre-election).

· The ‘Steele Dossier’ used to justify government investigation of the Trump campaign and administration was primarily sourced from a Ukrainian (falsely referred to as Russian) lawyer named Igor Danchenko. This guy is an interesting rabbit hole.

· The first Trump impeachment was predicated on the testimony of Ukrainian born ‘whistleblower’ LTC Alexander Vindman about a phone call between Presidents Trump and Zelensky. According to Vindman, Trump asked the Ukrainian government to continue investigations into corruption involving the Biden family and the Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma. I can’t tell you how this warranted impeachment, but Vindman’s opinion that Trump’s request was ‘inappropriate’ was the basis for the whole dog and pony show (Vindman, who became an Army infantry officer after graduating with an MA from Harvard, is an incredibly sketchy guy and a great rabbit hole to go down in his own right).

· Then there is Joe Biden’s high liability proxy/son, Hunter Biden, and his unqualified appointment to the board of the Burisma. The Ukrainian natural gas company paid Biden $50,000 per month for his ‘expertise’ and paid an additional $3.2M to Biden’s investment fund, Rosemont Seneca, for ‘consulting services’. Of course, renowned crackhead and incestuous sexual deviant Hunter Biden has no experience in the energy industry, but he was son of the US Vice President. Similar qualifications saw Dick Cheney appointed as Chairman and CEO of Halliburton, so nothing to see here.

· But it gets worse with the Bidens… Hunter also had a 33% financial stake in a CIA backed Ukrainian biotech investment, Metabiota, worth $25M in venture capital funding in 2014. Metabiota is another rabbit hole, but its worth noting they share a Kyiv office with DoD contractor Black & Veach, which constructs bioweapons labs. Metabiota’s founder, Nathan Wolfe, sits on the board of EcoHealth Alliance, the firm Anthony Fauci used to fund gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Wolfe also happens to be a member of DARPA’s Defense Science Research Council. If you’ve missed the point, these are all US government front companies, also used for personal gain by our deep state betters.

· Then there are the Ukrainian bioweapons labs admitted to by senior State Department official Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of these labs in Senate testimony… Maybe there are some people interested in keeping this under wraps.

There are doubtlessly more examples of US deep state corruption in Ukraine, but these make the point. Ukraine is a money laundromat for corrupt American officials, at the very least. At worst, it doubles as a lawless playground for intelligence backed mad scientists bent on establishing their New World Order. Either way it explains why the Western establishment has so energetically jumped the shark in their unqualified support for Ukraine’s government in their war with Russia. Who knows what Putin might dig up if he takes the country?

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