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Who's really driving the 'Great Reset' and the New World Order?

You have probably heard of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ initiative, their diabolically named scheme to transform the global economic, social, and governance system into something Mussolini would have immediately recognized as fascism. Or fascism without even a nod to any of its more admirable traits. The goal of the ‘Great Reset’ is to create a borderless global society based on collaboration between ‘stakeholders’ (as defined by the WEF, naturally) and a web of ‘public-private partnerships’ – or in layman’s terms, state-corporate corruption. This will of course necessitate the abandonment of outdated notions such as the nation state, individual liberty, and equality under the law, and isn’t likely to be too popular once the masses catch on. But don’t worry, the WEF knows you won’t be happy. To grease the skids for the new global totalitarianism, the jackasses of Davos have compiled a suite of tools and technologies necessary for controlling 8 billion people.

At this point, you either count me as a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist or you are already up to speed. The big question remaining is, “who the hell wants this and are there enough of them to actually implement it?” I’ll attempt a very quick survey of the question here.

The WEF and its institutions

Let’s start with the World Economic Forum. Founded in 1971 with the support of US intelligence and led by cartoon supervillain Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its purpose as follow:

“The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”

This means the WEF sets their own vision for society and they bring all the leaders from various sectors of human life together to get on the same page. Who is behind the WEF and who’s vision the ‘Great Rest’ is are questions I don’t have answers to. But we can identify who is responsible for pushing the vision out from the ‘elite’ conferences at Davos and how they achieve compliance with their agenda from the rest of humanity.

Two establishments of the WEF seem particularly important for forming and disseminating the globalist marching orders: the Executive Board and the Young Global Leaders Forum. The Executive Board is made up of 30 individuals, mostly major corporate executives, high ranking members of governments and royal families, and influential representatives of the academia and cultural worlds. Especially well represented are executives in the finance and management consulting industries. This group apparently provides governance and pushes the globalist agenda directly through their spheres of influence.

The Young Global Leaders Forum describes itself as:

“Our growing membership of more than 1,400 members and alumni of 120 nationalities includes civic and business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more.”

This group appears to be focused on recruiting a wide range of promising and ambitious individuals to infiltrate governments and institutions around the world in service of the WEF and their goal of establishing a ‘New World Order’.

These two groups provide names and faces to go along with some of the key supporters of the ‘Great Reset’ agenda, but it takes many more people to make it a reality. Luckily for the WEF, success doesn’t take nearly a majority and they only really need the cooperation of a few key people such as corporate executives, top influencers in academia and culture, and top government policy makers. And they have means of going about that.

Methods of propagating the agenda

One easy gimmick is simply playing to the vanity of target individuals. The annual WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland is seen as a glamorous event and an opportunity to rub elbows (and fancy oneself a peer) with the world’s richest and most powerful people. Simple inclusion on the guest list is enough to bring the more status seeking of personalities fully in line with the agenda.

The conference also acts as a hub that allows the WEF to spread its web further through informal, secret, or obscured networks that include many more influential members of industry and society (I can only speculate on what incentives there might be to participate…). The backgrounds of the Executive Board members shed some light on what areas of society the WEF sees as key to implementing it’s plans.

Board member and Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, for instance, is well known for supporting the ‘Great Reset’ agenda. As head of the world’s largest wealth management firm, he is well positioned to exert financial pressure on the companies in which his firm invests to toe the line. The board also includes the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, director of the WTO, and executives of other major investment firms. You can assume many other powerful names in finance are similarly involved in putting this type of economic hard power into action.

Management consulting executives from Bain & Company and Accenture are also prominent on the board. Management consulting is an ambiguous discipline, but one of the key functions it plays (although not realized by most consultants) is to disseminate the globalist agenda across industries. A few leading strategy consultancies simply repackage the WEF’s favorite technologies and strategies as the most disruptive trends impacting their clients, offer themselves as the solution to falling behind, and drive voluntary adoption of the agenda all across the private sector. It is certain that all of the leading consulting firms are deeply in bed with the agenda.

Then there are the machinations of the shady operatives loosed from the Young Global Leaders Forum into every corner of life. These characters were clearly selected for their ability and willingness to attain high position and use their influence to push the agenda within their individual spheres. Klaus Schwab is very open about this function and publicly brags of how they have been used to ‘penetrate’ government cabinets as agents of the WEF. Alumni of this program pop up everywhere in government and business. Government names you may recognize include Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Republican congressman Dan Crenshaw (recently deleted from the alumni list), and even Vladimir Putin. There are countless more, although the alumni list appears to be very fluid as members find it more or less convenient to be named.

For everyone else in society, there are the familiar and ubiquitous psyops of Covid, ‘vaccines’, Russia, progressive politics, party loyalties, ethnic division, toxic pop culture, and passive aggressive cancel culture to subdue the masses. So long as key figures in culture and academia can be coopted, the people can be indoctrinated thoroughly through entertainment and the education system. WEF assets in industry, politics, law enforcement, and the court system enforce as needed.

There are doubtless many other means used to propagate and implement the crazed plan for world domination, but these are a few of the clearest and in-your-face, stemming from the very public World Economic Forum. The more you dig into it, the clearer it is blackmail (i.e. Jeffery Epstein) and good old fashioned bribery also play a key role. And the further you dig the darker it gets.

The key is that the method used to implement global tyranny is to compromise key figures from all aspects of life. Those assets are then used to directly influence the direction of their respective institutions to either take concrete steps towards a ‘Great Reset’ or to subdue the masses into acquiescence. Most everyone else will bend the knee to the agenda out of fear for their job, their reputation, or for the thrill of being part of the latest trendy ‘thing’. There is no need for everyone to be onboard with global techno-slavery, just that they play along. For this, there is no political solution. The mass of the people must be stirred to outrage against those who have launched this ridiculous scheme. The only way to stop the ‘Great Reset’ is to identify the individuals responsible and hold them to account.

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