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This picture struck me as particularly illustrative of how close we are to the civilizational precipice. It’s not exactly signal in the noise, but it makes a hell of a point: we are pretty well fucked.

So, I’d like to start a short series of articles/discussion exploring how exactly it’s come to this. I’m starting from a premise (which I think is pretty obvious at this point but could still be fun to discuss) that while we might be in a natural cycle of imperial decline, western power elites and intellectuals have purposefully steered us to this unprecedented degree of depravity for their own ends (whatever their specific motivations might be).

So, the question is: How have we gotten to the point in western society where a 6’1” man (with a dick and who dates women) is the NCAA women’s swimming champion? Further, how are we in a place where experimental mRNA gene therapy is required to work, elementary schools openly promote homosexuality to students, and ‘cancellation’ from society is the cost of disagreeing with any of the dominant insanity? More specifically, how has a small minority of progressive activists and cynical politicians managed to make ‘woke’ culture the totalitarian straight jacket for western civilization?

There is plenty of room to discuss societal psychological traits that facilitated the shift, ideologies that led to it, political motivations, and grander conspiracies for global control. Assuming control has always been the ultimate goal, how did they actually pull off transforming 1950s traditional America into this Phillip K. Dick dystopian sci-fi shit show? I think the plan and execution was so simple and so grand in scale that it flew totally over most people’s radar. The western power elite consciously dedicated themselves to replacing traditional social values of community and religious tradition with a new world view specifically tailored to leaving the population as atomized, terrified, and manipulable as possible. And they did this in a very specific way.

The first necessary task was for the western elite to organize themselves around a vision of a ‘New World Order’. After the horrors of WW1, it wasn’t too difficult for the families and social networks that have always exerted outsized influence over Anglo-American civilization to come together in hopes of rearranging society so as to avoid total cataclysm. Luckily for them, elites of the British Empire had already been working on a plan for ending nation states and implementing a global system of governance for many years and it was well developed by the outbreak of WW2 (see H.G. Wells 1940 book, The New World Order). Out of this plan and the organization that consolidated around it (which is a fascinating deep dive in itself), a few specific goals seem to have been laid out by which we’ve arrived at the current disaster:

1. Dominate the intellectual and cultural institutions that can control the narrative (media, education, pop culture, literature, art, etc.)

2. Destroy the old narrative controlling institutions (church, family, local community, etc.)

3. Introduce a new narrative that fragments the population along identity politics (transgenderism, BLM, #StopAsianHate, gay marriage, mask wearing, etc.)

4. Deliver the new narrative through easily controlled and unrelenting channels (social media)

5. Make disagreement with the new catastrophic to any would be dissenter (digital everything, cancellations, firing of normal employees for wrong opinions, de-banking, etc.)

I’m not arguing that each example was meticulously planned over the last century, but I am suggesting that generational power elites have been working towards these goals and these examples are all either manifestations of this effort or have been largely hijacked for its purposes. Maybe this will even help us strategize on how to rebuild our civilization in a healthier and renewed form. I’ll go a little deeper into each of these in later posts. Input is welcome!

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